Approdi Project and the University of Teramo are please to organize on November 26th the so-called “Macro-Regional Event” of Thematic Cluster n.3 “Towards Sustainability in Cultural and Natural Tourism Destinations”: an opportunity to discuss with 7 ADRION projects about the best practices and future guidelines of sustainable tourism in the Adriatic-Ionian area.
What is a Thematic Cluster?
ADRION has decided to boost the transfer and re-use of project results by building thematic networks, which allow to exchange practices and create synergies among projects dealing with complimentary thematics. Those networks are called “ADRION Thematic Clusters” and are part of the Programme capitalisation strategy. The areas of each ADRION Thematic Cluster have been identified according to strategic key sectors of development and growth in the Adriatic-Ionian region and following the policy objectives of the new EU Cohesion Policy.
Thematic Cluster n. 3 “Towards Sustainability in Cultural and Natural Tourism Destinations”
This cluster addresses the multifaceted aspects characterising tourism, such as: sustainable water management in coastal areas, common branding, revitalization of non tourist areas of minor relevance, promotion of local agri-food sectors, digitization of cultural heritage, Innovative tourism management approaches.
The 7 Adrion Projects
The 7 projects being part of this Thematic Cluster have one goal in common, that is to promote the sustainable valorisation and preservation of natural and
cultural heritage as growth assets in the Adriatic-Ionian area. The projects involved are: Innoxenia, Innovagro, Adriaticaves, Qnest, Adrion 5 Sens, Smart Heritage and Approdi.
Macro-Regional Event main objectives
Creation of projects’ added value by increasing synergies among them, further development of thematic analysis through cross-fertilization among projects as well as combination of results/outputs produced; Identification of new areas/fields of intervention for the future programming period; increase the projects’ visibility, promoting them in a more strategic way; increase of transferability of project results beyond the single project partnership.
The meeting will be held online via Zoom platform from 12.00 to 1.30 pm (Rome time). If you are a stakeholder like a tour operator, a regional development agency, a restaurant owners etc and you are interested in joining the meeting, please send us an email to